Carmelite Institute of North America Symposium 2024

Story Contribution: Sister Christopher Jude, O.Carm.

Photo Courtesy: Sister Christopher Jude, O.Carm.

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July 28, 2024- Travel Day

The drive from NY was slow at times, but the Sisters arrived safely in time to register and get their rooms. Finding the building and parking was a feat in itself, but eventually settled in and walked to dinner and attended night prayer. The Symposium theme chosen this year is “From St. Therese to St. Titus: Lessons for the 21st Century”

July 29, 2024- Day One

The Sisters navigated their way to the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception for Morning Prayer and Mass in the crypt. The Basilica is magnificent and a special place to celebrate morning prayer and the Eucharist. Fr. Micheal O’Neill, O. Carm., Prior General of the Carmelites of the Ancient Observance (O.Carm.) , gave a virtual presentation on Lessons for the 21st Century  from Rome, Italy. Fr. Miguel Marquez Calle, Superior General of the Discalced Carmelites (OCD), spoke on the 21st Century Saints.  Fr. Nicolas Blackwell, O.Carm. spoke eloquently on Religious Freedom.  Sister Christopher Jude of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm said the Opening Prayer.

July 30, 2024- Day Two

Walking to the Basilica was easier this morning with the cooler weather. Morning Prayer was once again prayed in the crypt followed by the Eucharistic Celebration presided by His Eminence, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, DC. Cardinal Gregory’s homily spoke to all of us as Carmelites. After a beautiful Mass, we took a group picture with the Archbishop. The morning lecture on St. Elizabeth of the Trinity by Bishop John Barres, bishop of Rockville Center, NY was inspiring. Fr. Daniel Chowning, OCD, walked us through the short life of St. Therese of Lisieux and the devotion of the soldiers during World War 1 and the miracles attributed to her after her death. Edith Stein’s road to conversion, entering Carmel and her death in Auschwitz’s was eloquently presented by Dianne Traflet, STD. Edith’s love of the Blessed Sacrament amidst such hardship inflamed her love of others.  Sr. Dolores reads scripture at Evening Prayer.  After supper, a one- woman play depicting the Life of St. Therese of the Child performed by Mary Kischuck brought young Sr. Therese to life in beautiful and simple way.

July 31, 2024- Day Three

The Morning Prayer and Eucharistic Celebration was once again held in the crypt of the Basilica. The celebrant was Bishop John Barres, Bishop of Rockville Center, New York.  The first lecture of the day was given by Fr. Craig Morrison, O. Carm. His lecture painted the political landscape of Europe that allowed millions of Jews to be killed during the Nazi occupation. During this time Edith Stein and Titus Brandsma were imprisoned and executed by the Nazi regime. The saddest of all is the denial of what was happening at the time and the denial that still exists. Barbara Hughes, OCDS spoke on Mary and her place in our life. There was a tour of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception after the lecture.

Upper Church
Upper Church
Main Altar / Main Dome
