Our Devotional and Prayer Life

The mystical body of Christ is made richer by the devotional life of its members. The Catholic Church is rich in the variety of religious prayers and devotions that have been handed down to us through the centuries in the lives and works of its Doctors, Saints and Popes. Our Foundress, Mother Angeline Teresa, left us a legacy of her own devotions and prayers. This devotional life is rooted in the spirit of the Carmelite tradition which first began in the silence and solitude of the hermit community of Mount Carmel in Palestine. It is a life centered in the Eucharist, and pondering the Word of God and manifests a deep love and devotion to the great Saints of Carmel. From this rich heritage, the Sisters draw forth the ideals that point to Mount Carmel and gather the strength to carry out the mission entrusted by Jesus with the love that we believe makes the difference.

Our prayer life is aimed to reflect the spirit of Saint Elias, the father of Carmel, who lived in the presence of God and always returned to the solitude of contemplation to deepen his union with the Father.

The daily spiritual life of a Carmelite Sister consists in:

  • Community Mass
  • Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer)
  • Daily Meditation (one hour)
  • Rosary and Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Particular Examen
  • Spiritual Reading
  • Community Prayers

And it is lived in the spirit of Carmel by:

  • Conversion of spirit through the Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Spiritual Direction
  • Joyful acceptance of daily challenges
  • Personal sacrifices and prayers for priests
  • Spirit of Silence and Recollection
  • Loyalty to the Roman Pontiff and fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church
  • Love for the Carmelite Saints
  • Marian Spirituality
  • Prophetic witness in imitation of Saint Elijah our Spiritual Father
