Vocation Stories

How did we hear His voice and answer His call? Listen to some of our Sisters vocation stories. Perhaps you will hear a story that speaks to you.

I was born in a very traditional Catholic family in India. I was brought up in the Catholic tradition with its sacraments and education. Since there was a convent near my home, I had very good interactions with the Sisters when I was growing up.

Sr. Luke Mary Angeline, O.Carm

I was born in a very traditional Catholic family in India. I was brought up in the Catholic tradition with its sacraments and education. Since there was a convent near my home, I had very good interactions with the Sisters when I was growing up. At the time, I had thought about religious life but during my teenage years, I lost that thought. We have a few priests and nuns in our family.

My brother, Joseph, brought me to the United States in March 1993 and we lived in Bronx, New York. I have four brothers and two sisters. I pursued my education in the USA with full support and encouragement of my brother. I completed a degree from Long Island University College of Pharmacy and became a licensed pharmacist in New York. I have worked as a licensed pharmacist in retail pharmacy and hospital pharmacy. I became a Pediatric Pharmacist in-charge in Montefiore Hospital and later became a pharmacy manager in St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx. I loved my profession and enjoyed what I was doing especially the interactions with people. I have learned more about human suffering in my job that gave me a good understanding about human life.

For more than a year, I had a serious thought about life and decided to pursue a different walk of life. With a lot of prayers and support, I quit my job in September 2011 and decided to join the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm so I could serve the Lord through the intercession of Mother Mary. I am asking for your prayers and support to complete my mission!

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