How did we hear His voice and answer His call? Listen to some of our Sisters vocation stories. Perhaps you will hear a story that speaks to you.
Long before I first heard of Francis Thompson’s famed poem, “The Hound of Heaven,” my dreams, hopes, wishes and goals were overshadowed by this Hound.
Long before I first heard of Francis Thompson’s famed poem, “The Hound of Heaven,” my dreams, hopes, wishes and goals were overshadowed by this Hound. As a teenager, I felt overwhelmed by the Hound in hot pursuit at every turn, at every corner of my life. The chase was relentless and finally, I knew that nothing I would do, short of consecrating my life to Jesus Christ through the Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, would satisfy my heart.
At that time, I thought I was choosing to follow Christ and a major decision to be made was to which Religious Community I would go. I know now, however, that it was not I who chose Christ. Rather, Christ chose me, and He pursued me until I came to Him. That is why the Hound of Heaven metaphor so aptly describes the story of my vocation.
Beginning with the Apostles, for every person who has followed Christ, a story too mysterious to explain is hidden in the history of the ages. How do I explain a decision that makes sense only to others who have likewise been chosen? From the depths of my soul, came a “Yes” which I have never regretted as I give myself with whole heart to my religious community, the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm.